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X (Twitter)

X (Twitter)

Twitter HQ, Market Street, San Francisco, CA, USA

Empathy Helps Counter Hate Speech

Empathy Helps Counter Hate Speech

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA

A team of researchers led by Dominik Hangartner, IPL co-director and professor of public policy at ETH Zurich, has joined forces with colleagues at the University of Zurich to investigate what kind of messages could lead authors of hate speech to refrain from such postings in the future

Misinformation exposure

Misinformation exposure scores measure how much the politicians and public organizations you follow tend to lie (based on fact-checking their claims by PolitiFact).



India (Bhārat)

Uli lets you take control over your Twitter timeline by redacting slurs, allowing you to archive problematic tweets and coordinating actions with your friends.

Tuits borrados

A Politwoops instance for Argentina. En esta página hay un listado de los mensajes que eliminan los políticos argentinos en Twitter.

Social Media Analysis Toolkit (SMAT)

Social Media Analysis Toolkit (SMAT)

Mozilla, East Evelyn Avenue, Mountain View, CA, USA

The conversations that trend on internet platforms shape our world in consequential ways, from who we vote for, to what news we read, to how we respond to a pandemic.

DEMOS Engendering Hate Report: The counters of state-aligned gendered disinformation online

A report analyzing online spaces being weaponized to exclude women leaders and undermine the role of women in public life. It investigates gendered disinformation on Poland and the Philippines through Twitter data analyses.

Bot Sentinel

In 2018 we launched Bot Sentinel to help fight disinformation and targeted harassment. We believe Twitter users should be able to engage in healthy online discourse without inauthentic accounts, toxic trolls, foreign countries, and organized groups manipulating the conversation.


This project uses advanced machine learning techniques to detect propaganda accounts on Twitter.


BotSlayer is an application that helps track and detect potential manipulation of information spreading on Twitter.

Bipartisan Issue Tracker

Where is there room for common ground on Twitter? This tool tracks hashtags that are used by both Democrats and Republicans on Twitter and also describes the similarity in the tone of tweets across parties.

Polly Bots

Our research suggests that stepping outside your echo chamber can make you more polarized not less

LegBranchProcurementBot Twitter bot

A Twitter bot to tweet out procurements on SAM.gov occurring for the legislative branch

Electome using Twitter firehose

What’s the connection between a campaign issue and a vegetable? ProPublica President Richard Tofel reminded us this month. “For too many voters, as every editor in her or his darkest heart knows…

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